It won’t be long now until contactless credit and debit
cards will be accepted for payment on the London
underground. You can read about the implementation of this payment method here;
Despite the claims of security the main reason for the use of
this type of card has to be speed of movement of passengers, anyone who has
travelled the tube will understand the need to move people quickly through the
gates and what happens when gates get blocked so this really does look like an
advantageous system. However we have already had reports of accidental scanning
of cards at other outlets such as Marks and Spencer etc, read more here;
If you present two different cards on entry and exit most
likely you will be debited on both cards. If you don’t realise this and claim
it back then you will lose out. How much time will it take you to go through
such a claim? How easy will TFL make it?
What about the security of cards? Yes they are highly
encrypted, but surely anything that is coded by humans can be decoded.
Researchers at the university of Surrey have been conducting experiments into
the scanning of contactless credit and debit cards, their research shows that
this is a technical possibility and as our regular visitors to our site will
know we already demonstrate that free Apps are available to download that
enable android Smartphone’s to communicate with and extract information from
contactless bank cards and biometric passports. These apps currently work
within legal parameters but there are enough tech savvy people out there on the
Dark side who will try to crack any security measures. A great example is the
recent attacks on computers in Santander and Barclays branches in London .
So how do you guard against accidental or fraudulent
scanning of your contactless bank card? (The ones with a Wi-Fi symbol on the
front). You could wrap your card in Tin foil or nuke it in the microwave as
some more extreme solutions or you could take simple low cost measures. The
VoyagerBlue contactless credit card shield sits in your wallet or purse right
next to your contactless bank card. It blocks the radio signal from official
terminals or from someone trying to read it with a scanner you are unaware of.
Using your card normally and speeding through the gate is
simple, take it out of your wallet or purse to use and then replace next to the
shield, keeping you in control and making sure your valuable money and data is
secure at all other times.
Take a look at the shields and decide for yourself, for less
than £5 you can prevent unwanted scanning, either accidental or fraudulent. You
can also take a look for our new products about to launch to prevent loss of
your wallet. WalletTag will alert you in seconds if you become separated from
your wallet/purse passport etc.
See a selection of video on our YouTube page