The New Year is well and truly underway and we are rapidly
approaching our first Trade Only Show in Coventry at the Ricoh Arena on the 23rd
and 24th of January. It’s exciting to be meeting so many people and
have the opportunity to discuss and demonstrate the VoyagerBlue® range with so
many people. The demonstration has a much greater impact than any leaflet or
e-mail could ever have.
Seeing the look on someone’s face when you show them your
Smart phone reading a passport and having every detail come up; passport No,
date of birth, expiry date and most convincing the digital photo. This is all
done with a free app downloadable from the web. Why not try it for yourself if
your phone is NFC enabled (I Phones are not)
This will also ping bank cards, both debit and credit that
have NFC technology but this free app won’t steal anyone’s cash so don’t worry.
Makes you think though doesn’t it? If we can do this then what about the likelihood
of someone getting hold of an illegal version that will access data and even
make a debit. There are App developers around the world and how would you
suspect a person stood next to you with a mobile phone, it’s a normal
occurrence but they “could be scanning your contactless data” There are over
250 Million contactless bank cards in circulation and its growing everyday as
these cards replace old chip and pin only cards. 25Million UK customers
have a contactless bank card. So there is a huge potential market for
There is also accidental scanning, only this week we heard
of someone reaching across the counter at a popular coffee shop chain for a
napkin, he went close by the terminal for the next till with his wallet in hand
and accidentally paid for another customers bill on this other till.

There are a number of articles on the web about protecting
your card with TIN FOIL.
However this web page written by a young science enthusiast
proves that it does not work efficiently, have a look at this
for more detail.
Finally and potentially equally an opportunity for
fraudsters is the fact that many hotel room keys are being switched to the same
technology, illicit scanning and cloning of your room key is a possibility. We
will let you know more on this as we explore the Apps available, we have had
word of a hotel key App already so as soon as we have researched this we will
let you know. Watch out for updates on this issue. We do know that some of the
bigger chains in the UK
are using this technology
Including one of the premier budget groups if you get my
drift! Checkout our Facebook page and our photographic competition
See you soon with more updates